
Targeting 11% of 2300 CRs Online

Celebrating the festival in a green way

Relaxo is the largest footwear manufacturer in India, serving the nation since four decades and is today ranked among the top 500 most valuable companies.

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Relaxo Footwears is one of the ET500 companies with a revenue of Rs 2300 Crs. Approx. every year


How do you make a young country who has 50% of its population accessing internet and 30% approx.. buying on ecommerce contribute to your revenue


We took a three pronged approach of using

  • Search – Safe guarding brand keywords, went high on category and very lil on competition. As 60% of the people who come for a particular brand they buy that brand only
  • BAU – We created exclusive Sparx days and participated heavy on fashion day sale
  • Events – Across all the events we saw Diwali giving us a surge of 16X against other events


11% of total sales making a revenue of 250 Crs. Last fiscal year 218 CRs. Growth targeted 16%


68% of the total e- commerce market


  • 267 Crs. Of sale
  • 198% Grow thin paid sales
  • 10.45 Roas on paid spends

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